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Meet the Champions











Before the worlds divided, the Gods were satisfied by the sacrifices of the Grimrealm. Now the alliances are formed, the Gods demand more from the Grimrealm Championship. Be the next hero in the saga.

      Grimrealm Champions is a casual team-based MOBA with a Story Challenge Mode that sends the player into the story chapters of 12 champions. Fight with your friends in this exciting fast-paced casual Free to Play MOBA that has an easy, but customizable skill leveling system to play a variety of customizable Champions. Grimrealm Champions is a MOBA that heavily relies on real-time strategy and teamwork to conquer the multiple types of battle modes. You will have the chance to customize the looks of your minions as they are sent to battle to make you stronger.


Key Features:

  • Twelve  Champions

    • Select from various champions each with their own fighting style. Each with their own background and motivations to win the Grimrealm Championship. 

    • Customize all of them with powerful levels that unlock unique playstyles.

  • Strategic Gameplay Using various map objectives.

    • Destroy the opposing forces' towers and minions.

    • Capture the control points to gain the upper advantage.

    • Beat the map bosses and earn bonuses.

  • Story Mode Challenges

    • Collect Trading cards and read the Sacred Journals of the Champions.

      • A unique trading card system allows the player to learn the secrets of the champions and build up their badges of knowledge. Unlocking champions, weapons, banners, and even unlocking minion skins to use in PvP matches.

    • Random puzzles and objectives for the linear story that traces back to the ancient worlds.

      • Unlock artifacts to learn about the secrets of the Champions and their history of where they came from.

  • Unique Fighting Styles

    • Skill-based ranged casters, brutal melee weapon-wielding tanks or specialized team play support classes that can heal and enhance their team.

  • Customizable Skill Leveling allows the player full control of their playstyle.

    • Choose a Hunter, Warrior, or maybe the mage is your preferred style of gaming.

Grimrealm Champions is being Developed with Unreal Engine 5
Grimrealm Champions is a Trademark of Mythicanity Studios LLC.

Grimrealm Champions

(c)2022, Mythicanity Studios LLC

All rights reserved

Trademarks may be registered in some jurisdictions.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


No claim to copyright is made for original U.S. Government Works.

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